A Rainbow of Soul Care Options
April 9, 2024By: Joy Freeman
Categories: Spiritual Wellness, Your Wellness

You have probably heard the phrase “eat the rainbow” when it comes to fruits and vegetables. There is great wisdom in this, as different fruits and vegetables have different and important nutrients that our bodies need. Our souls are the same way. To thrive, we need a variety of ways to refill and restore the energy it takes to go through the day. Over the years, I have developed a “rainbow” of soul care resources that I can draw on. Each one addresses caring for either my mind, my body or my soul.
The reason for this is each day is different, and the energy I expend is not the same on any given day. On a day that I have been on my feet all day, and log multiple miles walking the hospital halls, my first soul restorative act is to engage in some gentle yoga, stretching to help my body recover and reduce the pain. Only then can I be in a place to engage in some of my other favorite activities such as reading, or crocheting. Other days, where I have had to deal with harder emotional needs, I tend to need to take a quiet moment on my own to just sit in silence and breathe and let everything rest all at once. Each of my go to practices is different to care for a unique soul care need that I have come, over the years, to understand which I benefit from. Some practices take longer than others. Some I can do in just seconds. And I never feel like I must utilize them all in one day. They are there for me to utilize when I need them.
A moment of encouragement if this seems overwhelming. I did not find all my soul care activities all at once. It has been a journey of playful exploration and trying different things. Over time, I have found soul care activities that restore me and give me joy. Part of the fun has been the exploration.
Take some time and explore the rainbow of soul care activities such as: mindfulness, reading a good book, taking a walk, exploring moving mindfulness, having coffee with a good friend, create something, to name a few suggestions. Find what works for you. And as always if you need a companion on this journey of discovery, we in Spiritual Care are here to help you.
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